Plans for New Year

Must do more blogs! That’s one of my New Year resolutions…

I always feel a shaft of joy to greet a new year, no idea why since mostly things just settle into the usual rhythms: writing [too many things at once, usually, which means slow work on them all and divided time – not really the best way to go about things!] However, this is what I’ve always done so probably will continue and eventually something will be finished and there’ll then be less division in my days! Hoorah! Then there are my joyful moments [not that I don’t feel joy when writing, but there’s also a lot of sheer slog] – these are my two walks a day with my lovely black labrador and time spent with my family and friends.

Some good things have happened since I last blogged. My story about the Greek gods is with a publisher at the moment and I await his judgement. Fingers crossed. If he takes the book, I shall be plugging away at everyone to buy it, so beware! People enjoy the Courage Game and, though this is very different, it has been something I’ve been passionate about all my life. Heart and soul went into its making…

I’m also bringing out a book of poetry. I’ve written poetry since I was twelve, when a competition was mooted in my school and I thought I’d have a go – and won it! I thought – think I’ll carry on with this and have done so ever since, but never got round to doing anything with them. I have chosen the poems and the order and a friend, a wonderful artist, is illustrating it at the moment. It should be ready to go quite soon…

And I must still continue with the remnants of Dramaworks which, now it has been siphoned up by Digital Theatre, is under the new name of Plays for Schools. The heart has gone out of it for the present but I’m writing more resources since the news that the plays which had always been used for A level exams are no longer permitted – they have to be published by a ‘proper’ publisher. Grrr! Of course this took the heart out of what I have left of my long-time drama work. I’d already written more than fifty drama resources and thought to myself, enough is enough – now concentrate on your other writing. But needs must – I shall continue to write more drama resources just to keep the site viable – for now. Two are on the Plays for Schools site now and I’m halfway through a third…

The sun is shining; the frost is crackling and laced over every branch. Think I’ll take the dog for a walk …

Have a very happy and productive New Year, friends all … may all things good and beautiful come your way…