Plays for Schools A Level Information

In 2005, when Dramaworks was already flourishing with my own practical resources, I decided to start housing plays too. I commissioned teachers in schools, youth groups and others known to me to write plays suitable for young people. I rejected many and only kept the best. Then I signed on with Nielsen, the depository for all published works, who supplied me with ISBNs and designated me as a publishing house.

On the Home page of Dramaworks those words were always at the forefront: ‘Dramaworks is a small publishing house for plays and teaching resources…’ In those days I produced hard copies only. Now they’re all digital. Many of those plays have been produced in professional theatres to paying audiences, mostly by T.I.E.s and small touring groups.

All the plays designated as suitable for A level have been carefully chosen for their more challenging themes and content. All are at least one hour long, as demanded by some exam boards. Full-length plays are in a separate category. I have indicated those that are suitable for A level candidates, as at least one board asks for extracts to be performed from a full-length play.

I really wonder why plays specifically written for young people to perform should be disparaged. Your students might find one of these a better fit than is annually produced in the mad scramble to find something suitable on bookshops’ shelves.